Design Manual structure

This guide helps define the organization and written styles of the design manual pages.

Design Manual structure

All topics within the Design Manual should fall under one of these categories/content types:

Brand guidelines

Topics under brand guidelines touch on CFPB-specific design and branding elements, such as color, typography, and illustration styles. These are things that fall under the umbrella of visual language.

Global elements

Topics under global elements encompass structural elements that are used to create the foundation of the webpage as well as elements that appear on every page. This includes things like rules on navigation, the grid, specific page types, or page introductions.

Page components

Page components are individual UI elements that can be “placed” on a page.

Best practices

Best practices are longer-form content pages that detail recommended practices and guiding principles around a specific topic. They focus on conveying tips, strategies, and advice for designing effective, accessible, and user-centered products. These can be broader topics for general best practices and don’t have to be specific to CFPB only.